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Mt. Batulao: In for the Thrill

12 peaks conquered in a day, not bad for my first official climb.

Mt. Batulao may be considered as an easy climb but it’s definitely not for the frail. You start by walking moderately peak after peak. As the summit gets closer; the trail becomes narrower, allowing only 1 person to pass. Soon enough, I realized how high I was then fear started kicking in. A single wrong move could actually cost my life. I decided to keep my focus on the path and be mindful of each step I take. At the summit, it offers a 360 degree view of Batangas. A scenery I’d trade for skyscrapers found in the metro. It’s the prize from all the hard work in getting there.

On the way home, I literally got down and dirty during the descent. First by rappelling down in a 90 degree angle which turned out to be an exciting experience for me. Afterwards, I had to scramble through rocks in a steep portion of the mountain. The weather wasn’t cooperating as well, the strong winds made it more challenging. Nevertheless, I made it back and it was a very rewarding experience.

So…are you up for the adventure?

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